Both Dr. Kathleen Mercer BScND and Dr. Tanya O'Brien BScND are available for online bookings to support our current patients and to welcome any new patients. We are here to support the community as needed and continue to share helpful and pertinent information about our Newfoundland community health and any resources available. All appointments are on line or over the phone and strictly confidential.
Our Treatment Methods
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Homeopathy is the use of minute doses or essence of materials (remedies) to help stimulate the body to heal itself. Homeopathy is based on the principal of ‘likes cures likes’ meaning that a remedy that has a similar symptom picture to someone who is sick, can be used to help heal that sick individual. An example of this would be to use the essence of a herb that would normally cause an increase in body temperature to help heal those with a fever. Because homeopathy uses such minute doses it can be used safely with most conventional medical treatments and can be used for children and throughout pregnancy.

Naturopathic Doctors in St. John's, NL
Naturopathic Doctors in St. John's, NL